Tukad Cepung Waterfall

Found in the eastern part of Bali in Jalan Tembuku, Tukad Cepung Waterfall is one of the most unique waterfalls in Bali. What’s special about this waterfall is that unlike most waterfalls in the region, it doesn’t flow into a river, rather it flows down the cliffs and ends up in a cave.

This hidden gem is quickly growing in popularity among tourists looking for that perfect Instagram shot. One of the most noticeable features of the Tukad Cepung Waterfall is the beautiful rainbow effect created by the sun rays beaming through the falls.

Luisa is wearing a blue and white sundress and looking away from the camera. She is looking upward toward the suns rays that are creating light beams through the canyon roof. She is surrounded by lush green jungle and high cave walls

If you time your visit between around 9:30 to 11:30 am, you can see the spectacular view of sun rays escaping through the falls and lighting up the dark caves underneath. It’s truly a striking sight for the eyes.

If you are planning on visiting Bali for the first time and want to see the famous Tukad Cepung Waterfall, here is a comprehensive guide that will walk you through everything you need to know.

Getting to Tukad Cepung Waterfall Bali

Tukad Cepung Waterfall is easily accessible from all over Bali. Ubud is the closest village, however, whether you base yourself in the centre or any other part of the province, it is just a car ride away.

Keep in mind that public transport is not well developed in Bali so you will have to look for alternative ways to reach the location. Here are a few options to get to Tukad Cepung Waterfall.

Rent a motorbike

If you are travelling solo or with someone, there is nothing better than renting a motorbike to get to Tukad Cepung Waterfall. Renting a motorbike for a whole day will cost you around 50,000 IDR which is less than 4 US dollars. This will also give you the freedom to spend as long or as little time as you desire.

Rent a car with a driver

If you don’t want to risk riding a bike through unfamiliar roads, you can also rent a car with a driver for an entire day. This will be under $50 for one day. I had a fabulous experience using this option. The driver packed fruit snacks and cold water bottles for me and let me spend as long as I wanted at the waterfall without rushing me.

Book a guided tour

Another way to visit the Tukad Cepung Waterfall is to book a guided tour. This is a much more convenient way if you are looking to save some time and visit the maximum number of tourist attractions in one day.

Things to keep in mind when visiting Tukad Cepung Waterfall

Once you get there you will have to find a good parking spot for your car or bike and pay your entrance fee which is IDR 15,000 per person.

There is a small hike down some stairs as well as some ankle-deep wading. And keep those stairs in mind because you’ll have to eventually climb back up them on your way out.

You will have to walk through the narrow cave to get behind its wall to see the waterfall.

As the water is only a few inches deep it’s not really the place for a swim. However, you can stand in the water to get some cool photos. It is also possible to stand underneath the falls for a refreshing natural shower.

Keep in mind that during the afternoon it gets quite busy, so you will have to queue up in order to get your insta photos.

The best locations for photos at Tukad Cepung Waterfall

There are a couple of key locations you’ll want to get some photos of

On top of the boulder

Just before you get to the waterfall, you will see some giant boulders surrounded by jungle. This is a great spot to take photos. The boulders are bathed in golden light because of the sun rays escaping through the openings in the cave.

If you want to get on top of the boulder you can use the ladder installed behind the boulder. The ladder is quite old, and a few of the rungs are a little bent. However not to worry, it is used by people every day. So, you can rest assured that it is perfectly safe.

In the cave and under the sun’s rays

Once you get beyond the canyon you will see the waterfall itself. It’s such an incredible sight that even without light rays it will take your breath away. The gaps in the cave are so small that it stays relatively dark throughout the day. However, when the sun’s rays come through, it’s a different story.

When you’re ready to take your photos, try to get right under the waterfall. That makes for the best spot & most unique spot. But keep in mind that the closer you get to the falls, the wetter you’ll get from the spray. 

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Best Time to Visit Tukad Cepung Waterfall

During the monsoon season, a lot of water gets accumulated in the caves and it can get quite deep. So, it is best to not go during this time of the year. Other than that you can visit the Tukad Cepung Waterfall throughout the year.

Therefore, the best time to visit is during the summer season. You can have a natural shower under the waterfall and stand in the water. Best for cooling off but also to get those cool photos!

If you want to see the sun rays beaming through the waterfall you will have to get up early! However, keep in mind that all the tourists want to see the beautiful sight! So it is going to be quite busy even in the morning.

On a warm sunny day, nature really does put up a spectacular show. You have to see it with your own eyes to fully appreciate it. So crowds or not, definitely go and check it out!

Additional advice

When visiting Tukad Cepung Waterfall make sure you bring along the essentials. A swimsuit, towel, snacks and a water bottle. Most importantly make sure your smartphone is charged to the max so you can take a ton of photos.

You will also need to wear waterproof shoes as you must walk through ankle-deep water while going through the canyon. Also, make sure you go to the ATM before leaving and bring some cash with you.

Make sure you use a wide lens to make sure you can capture the whole waterfall in your frame. In the waterfall cave, you will need to use a camera that has higher light sensitivity to capture the spectacular effect created by the light rays. Also, consider the dampness and possibility of water spray on your phone or camera the closer you get to the waterfall.

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For Tukad Cepung



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