Hey! I’m Luisa.

The creator, author and photographer of The Born Wanderess.
I make it easier for you to travel the world like a pro as well as how to create an online income through remote work and side hustles.
Everything that I’ve learnt from 25 plus years of international travel to 63 countries across 6 continents I want to give to you. All of it. Every last little bit.
I want to provide you with the tools and the courage from my first-hand experience so that you can live a life of adventure and exploration. And you can’t do that without money! So I also show you how to create an online income from remote work and side hustles
In creating this blog, it has become my mission to provide the resources and courage to get outside, experience the world we live in and say screw you to society’s status quo and live life the way we want.
For me, my wander-lusting began at 15, when my parents sent me on a 6-week school exchange program to Germany. I didn’t want to go, but my parents thought it would be good for me and far out, they were right. I was hooked.
One week after my 19th birthday I set off for 6 months in Europe (Ha!) It turned into 3 years of living in Germany, Italy, Southern England, London and Canada. I met people I still call friends to this day and had so many adventures and experiences all around the globe.
Way back then you had to purchase your dial-up internet usage in 15-minute blocks in the hostel common room. There was no platform to showcase your photos or stories to a wider audience and whilst I’m late to the game of blogging and Instagram, I have experience and knowledge of 62 countries, that I want to share. There is only one of me, with my experience and my voice.
I did the inevitable, moved back to Australia, got a career, and bought a house. I have spent the last decade fitting my travel into 4 weeks of annual leave per year.
But that all changed. My role was made redundant in April 2018 and I took the opportunity that presented itself, to throw on my backpack and get out into the big wide world again.
Everything happens for a reason right!
I travelled solo to my 63rd country in 2019!
From 2018-2019 I backpacked solo for six months through South East Asia and the Indian Subcontinent, seeing and experiencing 14 countries and ticking off some major bucket list items. Three months road tripping around the United States and another two months road-tripping Ireland and the UK and bussing around the Balkans.
For me though, it’s not about ticking off as many countries as I can, it’s about experiencing new cultures, meeting new people, and learning about the world by being there and being present.
Having experienced long-term travel again after living the “normal” life for nearly 15 years, I’ve decided it’s not for me. And then two years quite literally stuck in Australia during the pandemic, I know with all certainty that I want to live on the road, seeking adventure, new friends and new experiences in every corner of the globe.
Lo and behold on my first international trip outside of Australia, post-pandemic, in April 2022, I managed to land a fully remote job as a travel consultant. What?! Just goes to show if you work hard for what you want and go after it with everything you have, success is inevitable.
Thanks for being here xo