I’ve been to 62 countries but it’s really only in the past seventeen months since leaving my career, a six month trip through Asia and three months in the USA that I’ve really done a lot of self-reflecting. Being a solo traveller too gives you pahhh-lenty of time with your thoughts. (sometimes too many, ya know!) I found myself not only thinking about my literal journey but also my inner journey. So began some serious personal growth. Who am I now and who am I becoming? Who do I want in my life? What do I want in, and for my life? Travel is a great teacher and healer in many ways. Here are some lessons learnt on the road
What have I learnt so far
Travel Lessons
Things are going to go wrong, it’s how you react and respond that’s important
Flexibility in long term travel is a requirement. As you meet people and get their advice, it’s easier to change to new plans, towns and adventures.
Drop all expectations about a town or country before you arrive and have an open mind and open heart to all experiences
Catching local transport is cheap AF and such an adventure. Local transport all the way for me!

Flights will be cancelled, trains will be delayed, buses won’t show up. Don’t make too many plans on your travel days in case something does happen, and try not to stress.
There is no wrong or right way to travel. Do what you enjoy within the budget you have.
Whether you travel with a backpack or 2 suitcases, travel long term internationally or travel locally on weekends, stay in luxury penthouses or dorm rooms in hostels. You are still a traveller. No one is a better or worse traveller for how they can or how they choose to travel

You quickly realise truly what’s important regarding the welfare of the planet and its animals
Take ALL of the photos. Don’t be embarrassed to set up your tripod and pose, pose, pose! You are never going to see those people again and you are going to have so many awesome fun photos by stepping outside your comfort zone

Try ALL of the food
Having an open mind, asking a million questions and being curious will lead to great conversations and learning on a deeper level
Trust your gut instinct
Be as sustainable as you can when travelling, carry your own bamboo/metal straws and reusable bags, spend money at locally-owned shops so the money goes back to the community not big corporations
Self Care Lessons
Long term solo travel is hard on you mentally and physically. Eat and sleep right and drink plenty of water.
It’s okay to take a day off from constant travel. Stop with the FOMO (fear of missing out)
Some days I didn’t want to not leave my accommodation and that is completely okay. Self Care is important

Having the right luggage and packing light is SO important. Not only for your body having to lug bags around but also for your stress levels
Learning to travel with someone else takes patience and kindness. Everyone doesn’t have the same travel pace and that’s okay. Try speeding up or slowing down to suit your travel buddy. It’s okay to also ask for some alone time to protect your mental well being and the friendship
Lessons Learnt in Kindness
Being kind and receiving kindness is the best gift and leaves you with the best feeling
Be kind to your body. Sleep well, drink water, exercise, get massages and facials, stretch often, do yoga, take days off to relax and do nothing

Be kind to one another, Be kind to animals
Nurture Nature

Give that person in need, your water, your muesli bar, your sandwich. They need it more than you
Giving someone a smile takes no effort and when you receive one in return it’s everything
Everyone is battling something in their lives. Be kind even when you feel like being the opposite
Learning About People
There are truly wonderful people in this world that want you to be successful and want to help you along your journey

People are inherently GOOD! Don’t believe the media and that bad things are going to happen to you when you travel. People want to meet you and help you
Making new, strong connections with people you meet personally as well as over social media is so much fun.
Whilst 90% of the population are good people, there are definitely still ass-holes that populate the planet. They’re unavoidable. Not every person or situation warrants your response or reaction. Practice your mindfulness
Peoples behaviour is a reflection of them and their relationship with themselves (or lack thereof) or past trauma’s. Don’t react. Be Better than that.
If someone is meant to be in your life, they would be in your life. Learn to let go and move on. It’s bloody hard but so necessary for your inner well being
Embrace the people and culture. Respect the history and the laws

Getting to know the locals is an absolute must. Spend time with them, have dinner with them, ask questions, say yes to invitations, get to know the real people and the real country
Health Lessons Learnt
Burnout is real and should not be taken lightly. I’m still learning how to slow my travel down.
Meditation is a newfound joy of mine

Listen to your body, if it’s tired rest if it’s sore get a massage, if something really doesn’t look or feel right, see a doctor
Travel insurance is a must. You can’t afford to travel without it
Lessons Learnt in Saying Yes
Being a perfectionist whilst travelling is impossible, I’m learning to loosen up and be spontaneous and say yes without overthinking things
Saying YES has always led me to have amazing adventures meeting some of the best people
Test yourself in ways you haven’t before. Say yes to jumping off waterfalls, catching a local bus, enjoying a Chai tea with a new friend you met whilst taking photos, travelling with someone you met the day before

I met this beautiful family (above) after I was taking photos around the streets of Jodhpur. The older group of men insisted I take their group photo. Then one with me in it. I was then invited to Rajindra’s house for some Chai Tea. I met his wife, Vimlesh and son, Tej, and learnt a bit about all of them, about Jodhpur and we all went onto the roof to look at the beautiful blue town, watch the sunset and take some photos….what an amazing afternoon! All because I kept saying YES. Check out Tej’s Instagram. He is an amazing photographer!
Your comfort zone is a cage for self-growth, awareness, meeting new people and adventures
Personal Lessons Learnt
Whilst people have an impact on you and your journey, you have just as much of an impact on them and theirs. Don’t forget that!
Your dreams are worth chasing
Invest resources, time, money and energy into what makes you happy
You can’t please everyone, and not everyone is going to like you and that’s okay.
You have complete power over your emotions. How your day is going to be and what your interactions are going to be like, comes down to you
A positive mindset results in positive outcomes

The effort given is effort gained
Communication and compromise, or lack of, can make or break your day, your trip, your experience. Think and speak carefully
Learn to express your feelings by being bold, direct but respectful. Don’t say something hurtful just to get your point across. People may not like the response but they will respect the honesty
I’m doing the best I can in this world, just like everyone else. It’s time to stop being so damn hard on ourselves

Some people just don’t give a shit about you or what you’re doing. The ones that you thought would have your back and be supporting you suddenly stop caring.
And that’s a bitter, hard pill to swallow
Friends I’d lost contact with for various reasons started reaching out and I found our connections were still strong, no matter the time we’d spent apart
I’m stronger, more capable or much more resilient than I ever thought. So are YOU!
What are some lessons you’ve learnt whilst travelling? I’d love to hear about them in the comments
These are such good lessons!!!
Thank you Ari 🙂
Excellent article. People forget about taking care of themselves while traveling. Traveling can be physically and mentally challenging. I think I will write a post on this topic @harleyridingexperiences.com. 🥰❤
Hey Felicia, thank you so much. I’m glad my post has inspired you to write your own. Be sure to send me the link so I can read it. Self care is definitely a must whether travelling or not. Cheers Luisa
My motto while traveling is Do now, Think Later! Thanks to it, I’ve experienced soooo many things I’d never thought I would if I cared too much!
Oh I love that! Such a great motto and definitely one to live and travel by
Yes, yes, yes! I second “Drop all expectations about a town or country before you arrive and have an open mind and open heart to all experiences” and “Try ALL of the food”! LOL! Thanks for sharing!
So many times I’ve expected too much from a place and been left disappointed. Now I just stay open to my own experience instead of comparing to what someone else might’ve had. Seriously I tried ALL the food in America and put on 7kgs…..haha Oops!!
I wish there was a “like” button for every single one of these hahaa. They are all so spot on! I love that your impromptu photo sesh turned into meeting such an incredible family. Those are the kinds of moments I live for while traveling!
You’re so sweet. Thanks Colby. That day in Jodhpur was seriously magical. I met another 3 people earlier that day at the local Step Well and the 4 of us ended up doing a little photos shoot too…haha. We all still follow each other and DM to this day. I love making friends on the road xx
I loved this post so much <3
I think the two biggest takeaways for me are 1) It’s okay to take a day off from constant travel. Stop with the FOMO (fear of missing out) – I DO THIS ALL THE TIME. I will layover 24 hours in paris and never leave the hotel. I KNOW, I AM CRAZY. But sometimes, I am working back to back trips and I need to just take care of myself so I can give 100% of my energy when I’m working.
2) Be kind to one another, Be kind to animals
I’ve seen so many acts of “meanness” in my travels. It hurts individuals, it hurts society.
Spread love, kindness, patience.
Thanks for sharing these gems! I can’t wait to see where this journey takes you!
– Paul (Beyond Utah)
I’m so glad it resonated with you. It’s so easy to just keep pushing through and so much harder, I think, to take a day off from constant sightseeing and constant motion, but you just have to. I remember getting to Mandalay in Myanmar and I was so mentally and physically exhausted, but also had a list as long as my arm of things I wanted to see and do. But I just stayed in my hotel for 2 days!! It was totally the right thing for me to do. I was tired, I was grumpy and I wasn’t in the right head space to enjoy the town and the experience. Plus it gives me a reason to go back to Myanmar one day….woot woot!! hehe
thanks for taking the time to comment Paul, I really appreciate it x